Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Big Girls in Utah

Karlee, Kaelene and Kymberlee 
In Utah for Thanksgiving Weekend.

Cousins and Aunt Tanna


Happy Birthday to me!!!




Missionary Update

Elder Boyce Fenn:

Hey Y'all!

      Sorry it's been awhile since I last emailed. But anyway I just completed my second transfer in the field. That means 2 things; 1. I'm no longer being trained. 2. My trainer is moving on and I'm getting a new companion. I am remaining here in Blackfoot while Elder Harris is transferring to Pocatello. The Companion that is transferring in to my area is Elder Kershner. (not sure how to spell it but that's how to say it) I've never met Elder Kershner but some of the other elders in my zone seem to not like him very much, but then again some of them don't like me very much so I think he'll probably be cool. We'll see! I'll meet him on Wednesday!

      This week we had Stake Conference for the Blackfoot East Stake. It was very cool. Elder Larry J. Echo Hawk a General Authority Seventy. To be completely honest I cant remember what he actually talked about, because what the spirit was telling me was not what he was saying. I had heard of this happening to people but up until now it had not happened to me. When your listening to the spirit it can teach you something even if the speaker is not talking about it.  

With lots of Love!
Elder Fenn.

blackfoot idaho 83221

Idaho is great! The Mission is great! The work is wonderful! And the message is divine!

Sister Lindee Fenn:

Hey Mom! Sorry I have really been slacking on my emails recently! 

Things are going well here. Being in a YSA ward is still great! 

This coming up week we are not exactly sure what to do with our time, because most of the time we are on campus, which is now closed due to the holidays... So, if you have any ideas of what we can do to proselyte let me know!

Also, the Christmas initiative is coming up! We are having so much fun planning for it! There is going to be a lot of fun things we can do with it! Have you heard about it? #LighttheWorld with the advent Calendar. Ask the missionaries about it! It is awesome! There is a teaser video up on mormon.org right now until it comes out on thanksgiving. Let me know what you think!

Thanks, Mom! Love you! Enjoy your holiday week!

Sent from my iPad

London South Mission

This is a picture of President Pinegar, a greenies missionary form Africa, Sister Pinegar and Elder Kevin Fenn. It was taken 30 years ago. It was sent to Kevin last week by President Pinegar. Kevin had never seen the picture before.

This is a picture of Kevin, Sister Pinegar(granddaughter of President Pinegar) and myself. I ran into this Sister Pinegar a few weeks ago. Currently, she is serving in the Haslet Ward. She was so excited to see the picture of her grandparents. It is a small world.



Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Election Day

Staying up late to see who wins. Landen wrote, on his own, "red is winning"
He also said while looking at the map, "I want to serve my mission in Minnesota." Lynnae says, "I want to serve in Kansas" As you can tell, Landen is very tired.