Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy Ever After

Oops, Mickayla open your eyes!!
Retake with Steven, much better!!
Karlee and Daddy
My dear friend, Tricia and her nephew, Matthew.




 Steven and Mickayla Peterson Texas Wedding Celebration. Dancing and cake, so much fun!!




Thursday, December 29, 2016

Elder Fenn

On Christmas Eve we were looking through 2006 pictures and came across an awesome picture. I remember taking the picture, he was not happy I made him put on his suit and take a picture. It was his first suit. The girls thought getting a white dress for their eighth birthday was so fun and exciting. Not so with Boyce. Shopping for a suit was torture. Yes, he is a boy and still does not like to shop.
I love that we found this picture and now he is a missionary. These pictures were taken 10 years apart. On Christmas Day we skyed with Boyce. He is doing so good. He looks great. I was worried that he may still be at the homesick part of being a missionary as he has only been out 4 months. He was not. He was so fun to listen to as he talked about the work. I love that boy, well, young man.



Church on Christmas






















Christmas Eve

Super Justin Missionaries!
Elder Brinkerhoff 
Elder Fuller


Christmas Eve

From Levi



Christmas Eve

Kevin and I were about to go run a few last minute errands when Kevin puts on his "U" shirt. It was old and dingy, so he had to open an early gift. Go Utes!!!



Memory Picture

Lynnae at Broken Bow, Oklahoma on a family vacation with Pop. 
August 2014


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

18th Annual Birthday Party for Jesus

Drew, Daiden and Landen

This Fenn/Cook(Read Sisters) Birthday Party for Jesus started many years ago when the Cook family moved to Texas. We always eat the food Jesus ate, which is fish(we eat fish sticks), dry fruit, bread and grape juice. We then sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and have cake. Next we exchange gifts. We always try to spend only $10 per gift. It is always so fun. In 2014(the year Devren and Kaelene were on missions) Sandee and I did not feel like having fish sticks so we changed it up and made homemade waffles. We thought it was a good idea. They were so good and tastier than fish sticks. Then 2015, Devren and Kaelene hear from Karlee and Kymberlee that last year(2014) we had waffles. They can not believe it. Karlee and Kymberlee then say they could not believe it either, it was terrible. How can we have a Birthday Party for Jesus and eat waffles instead of fish?? That was not right. So never again will we have anything but fish sticks for Jesus Birthday Party. The whole thing was quite funny to Sandee and I as we had no idea the change would cause such an ordeal. Live and Learn!! Kids like to stick with family traditions. Thanks to our bigs kids we are back on track. This year 2016 we ate fish sticks!!