Thursday, May 25, 2017

New York City

Our first stop was at the World Trade Center. First Picture...
This is the return picture...















Friday, May 19, 2017

Happy Birthday Elder Fenn

Love this Elder. He made me a "boy" mom 19 years ago. May 19, 1998


Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Friday Night!

For Girl's Night we made Mocktails!!



Happy Mothers Day!!

Best part of Mother's Day was skyping with my Elder Fenn. He is doing great. The first person he greeted was little brother Landen.(and reared up)The last words he said was, "Love you, Mom, tell Landen I love him." It was so sweet. He misses Landen the most. Landen also misses him. Love my Elder Fenn, he is doing so good.