Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Boyce Email Week #2

Cecilia was baptized Saturday it was great! But like I said since I was only there for the baptism I'm not sending my tie. But hey! we got a new investigator! His name is Braiden, he's 11 and super excited for the missionary lessons. So I might send my tie soon! I hear a lot of the guys back home are real close to getting your calls and/or reporting to the MTC. Here's what I have to say about that. You are making one of the greatest decisions of your lives! I haven't been out long but I know for a 100% certainty that this is where the Lord wants me to be. And I wouldn't give that up for anything.

    Probably the best thing you could do to prepare for your mission is to study the scriptures. Namely the scripture masteries, its not so essential to memorize them but it is essential to know WHERE they are and WHAT they are about. It's the most frustrating thing to know a scripture exists but not have a clue as to where it is. 

    At the MTC I met two kinds of missionaries. 1. missionaries who thought the MTC was prison and wanted out. 2. missionaries who took advantage of all the time and opportunities you have to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now it's important to remember that both types of missionaries have the potential to become great instruments in the Lord's hands. But it's the second type who will find themselves much more prepared to do just that. 

     So to those of you who are preparing to go on full-time missions, I encourage you to pray and study often and the Lord help you prepare for the unique challenges you will face once you're out. I promise you that as you do this your testimony will grow and your love for the Lord and desire to do his work will become like a raging flame in your heart.

    And those of you who are not preparing to serve a full-time mission, you are also part of the target audience for what I'm saying. I challenge every one of you to Pray, Study, and Share Often, for without you the work of full-time missionaries, which is the work of the Lord, would be all but in vain. The most powerful missionary force in this world is not that of the full-time missionaries, but that of the member missionaries. So I say again! Pray, Study, and Share Often. For the light that we have we must share with all the world! I say this in the name of Christ for the salvation of all his children.

With lots of Love 
Elder Fenn

Idaho is great! The Mission is great! The work is wonderful! And the message is divine!

Wow!! What a difference one week in the field makes. His MTC emails were short, no detail and we were lucky if he capitalized or use any punctuation. My thought was I will not send these emails to anyone, looks like his Homeschooled teacher taught him nothing.(He, He, that would be me) However, the real Boyce has appeared. Love that Boy!! So glad he already loves his mission!!!

These are replies I have received:

From Bishop Schindler,
Some General Authority is impersonating Boyce and sending me e-mails!  Is this the same elder we sent out just a few weeks ago?

From Kevin Fenn (Dad) in response to Bishop,
Yeah I noticed that too!  I thought maybe he had his companion write the email for him!  :)

From Lindee (she had not read any of the previous replies),
Hi Mom,
Going to email you next week.
Did you get Boyce's email? Whaaaaat! That is not the same person who
was there when I left! So cool!

From Kymberlee,

Mom, did you read Boyce 's email? He became a real missionary this week.

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