Monday, October 31, 2016

We Voted!!!

We wanted to vote so we went with Mom and Dad to make sure they voted!!!



Friday, October 28, 2016

Playing with Friends!!

Landen and his friends Ben, Brandon and Wes. They are eating a Halloween Cupcake.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Landen decided his hair was too long and gave himself a haircut. He is taking after Bug sister Linder from many years ago.


Elder Fenn

   Oct 24, 2016

  Hey everyone! How's y'all doing? I'd love to hear from all of you. so what i wanna talk about this week is just what the subject says. Up here in Idaho the missionaries get fed dinner just about every day. And after every dinner with members we get the privilege to share with them a spiritually uplifting message. So over the past couple months I have compiled list of sorts containing the different messages I often share.

    Today I would like to share with you all my favorite one. First I share my favorite Hymn, Hymn No. 85.

1. How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
What more can he say than to you he hath said,
Who unto the Savior, who unto the Savior,
Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled?

2. In ev'ry condition—in sickness, in health,
In poverty's vale or abounding in wealth,
At home or abroad, on the land or the sea—
As thy days may demand, as thy days may demand,
As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be.

3. Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, upheld by my righteous,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

If you really read the words and ponder them you will see the number on message

missionaries share, portrayed in a most beautiful manner. Particularly verse 3, Where it speaks as if from the Lord Himself.

     I find it hard to add upon the words of that Hymn, but I can give my solemn testimony that if you build your foundation on our Lord and Savior, he will, in every condition  uphold you with his righteous omnipotent hand. And this I say in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

With lots of Love!
Elder Fenn.

blackfoot idaho 83221

Idaho is great! The Mission is great! The Work is wonderful! And the Message is divine!

Elder Cook

Devren picked Dorian up from the SLC airport and took him to the MTC.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sister Lindee Fenn

Hey every one! 

Wow, being in the Orange Hills YSA Ward is crazy! We are so busy all the time and it is go go go. I absolutely love it! 

Here, we meet new people all the time! I have never had so many things I need to put in the iPad before. I'm literally on the iPad or texting at all times, non stop! If you didn't already know, young single adult text all the time! 

Sister Logsdon is fabulous though! She is so on top of things! She does really good at remembering and actually doing everything! She is amazing! She is a convert of just a few years and she's just the greatest example to me! She is hardworking, motivated and she loves the Lord and this Gospel! The time I get to spend with her is going to be great

Every day here is so exhausting! But that is a good thing! The busier you are as a missionary the better! You always know you have had a good day when you get home and all you want to do is to crash the minute you turn your iPad screen off after you plan. Mostly I am just afraid that the time in this Ward is going to fly by so fast! 😬

We have an investigator named Malik. He is our most progressing investigator and he has a baptismal date for Saturday! He is such a nice guy! He is suuuuper quiet and hardly talks, but the sweetest ever. And he has really enjoyed learning and applying the gospel! He can't wait to got baptized on Saturday!

(I find it so weird to only teach people my age!)

Last night we had a dinner with a senior couple in our Ward. The Lutz's. They are in charge of missionary work and helping us out. Sister Lutz was telling us about a time during the week when she was shopping. She was checking out and realized she saw a less active member who was the cashier several aisles down. She was sad that she had picked the wrong aisle, but when she got in the car she realized some of the berries she had bought were moldy and she was so excited because now she had the chance to go back in and talk to the member! Haha I just love sister Lutz :) 

All my love,

Sister Fenn

And I love Jesus 

Sister Lindee Fenn

California Anaheim Mission 

2500 N Bristol St

Santa Ana, CA 92706

Monday, October 17, 2016

Cook Boy Love

Sandee said on Facebook when someone said something about they fighting, "They actually really don' t fight very much. Dorian and Dawsen did the most( pretty sure they didn't like each other at all) I believe because I survived homeschooling them, they love each other and are good buddies now."

Pumpkin Patch

On the Hay ride!!

Shopping for the take home pumpkins.

Another fun toy ride!!
Lynnae 10 years old 
Landen 5 years old
Hay maze!!
Eating lunch together.
Finally, lots of bonce houses!!
What a fun day!!













Missionary Emails

From Elder Fenn:
baptism and confirmation went great! 

From Sister Fenn:


Soo I'm getting transferred! And I'm actually pretty sad about it because I feel like I just got to this area and Ward! I havent had the chance to get to know the Ward all that well. there are so many great people here that I wish I knew better. I just love everyone!  There has been one family though that I have just come to love so much! The Albertis! They are a wonderful family! I wish I had pictures!

Still, I am so excited about what is to come. I'm getting transferred to the Orange Hills young single adult Ward. Ahhhh, YSA!! It's going to be so different than what I'm used to by now but it should be great! Another adventure! Yay!

And I'm going back to the Orange Zone which is super awesome!

This week we had a lesson planned with Deby, our new investigator. When we had our first lesson with her we were sure that she was going to get baptized! But she texted us the day before her lesson saying that she had found a church. We asked her if we can still meet though. We ended up having a wonderful lesson! It was guided completely by the spirit and she turned around! We helped her understand how important it is to continue look into this church as it is the only true church. She just has a wonderful spirit about her. I just love her! She is excited about reading the Book of Mormon and will try to pray more and come to church. She is amazing! And she knows what the spirit feels like! #futurereliefsocietypresident 🙌🏻

Please pray for her!

So to make sense out the of subject line, we were listening  to a talk by Hank Smith about ones private life and ones public life. It was super good! He was talking about how victories obtained in our private lives lead to victories in our public lives. We need not to try to pretend to be good and show it to all, but instead to truly be good people and how that will lead to a public victory

Hank Smith was talking about how sometimes we like to show how good we are to others and that Jesus would probably say something like "Don't be dumb thou" 

Super good!

I love you all I hope you are all doing well! :D

All my love,

Sister Fenn

And I love Jesus 




Friday, October 14, 2016

Facebook Memory

The Antonucci family taken at Christmas time in our home. 


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Dawsen!!

My sister, Sandee Read Cook and my handsome nephew, Dawsen Taylor Cook. I was there the day he was born 17 years ago. Wow, time flies, love that boy!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

E-mails from Elder Fenn

Monday, October 3,2016

    My Favorite talk this conference weekend was given by Russell M. Nelson on the Sunday Morning Session. In this talk Nelson told a story of pioneers in a cold winter. In this story Nelson explained that there was no murmuring from the Saints in this particular story.

      He said this is because "Saints can be happy under every circumstance!" In Fact here is my favorite quote from his talk "My dear Brethren and Sisters, the Joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives!"

      I think that is just wonderful! The focus he was speaking of when he said that is that great plan, The Plan of Happiness! and our Savior and Redeemer, who made that plan possible.

     And so I say to you, my dear Family and Friends; If YOU focus your life on our Beloved Older Brother Jesus Christ and His Plan, you WILL find yourselves, just as the pioneers in Nelsons talk, Able to have Joy in every circumstance.

     How do I focus on Christ you might ask. Here's my answer! First let me tell you this. I LOVE to cook. I find it very gratifying. And the best part about it is watching other people eat it! And so I would argue that that is the best part of the Gospel. The most joyful part of the Gospel.

     The best way to focus on Christ and feel His Joy is to share it! So to ALL, I say SHARE it. so that you and others may feel that Joy. And this I say in the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ, Amen 


With lots of Love!

Elder Fenn.


blackfoot idaho 83221


Idaho is great! The Mission is great! The work is wonderful! And the message is divine!

And Boyce – May I frankly and joyfully tell you how happy your e-mail makes me and how very proud I am of your attitude and your service!


Your food isn’t bad either.

Bishop Schindlery all!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hey all,

brayden is having his baptism this saturday! yay! The plan is for his Uncle to come down from where ever he lives to baptize and confirm him. but apparently that might not happen, so brayden has asked me to confirm him if his uncle cant make it. yikes... never done that before... wish me luck!! 

With lots of Love!
Elder Fenn

Pictures from Sister Lindee Fenn

Some members bought them witches costumes.




I Love People from Sister Lindee Fenn

Hey everyone! 

Oh my! I just love people! Just everyone!

Soo, here's a funny and random story about what happened one day when we were out tracting. There was like these really cool plants/things (I don't know.... but it was long and fluffy) off down this cliff on the side of the road. It was off the beaten path, sketchy and somewhat hard to get there, but I went anyways and when I got there I was trying to pull these plants out and I look up the cliff a little ways and there's a man in his backyard who sees what I'm trying to do..... lol it was awkward but so funny 😂 he asks what I plan to do with the plants and I'm just like..... I don't know yet. It was really funny. And then we drove with them sticking out of the car. Lol

Saturday morning we had a missionary meeting with brother Taylor, the Ward mission leader, and afterwards we had lunch with his family. They are a little awkward, but they are so funny! I think my favorite part was when brother Taylor was talking about their date the night before with some less actives and nonmembers and how bad he is at 🎳 bowling. He got a super low score and David, his son, was like "DAD, YOU SUCK!" And literally stared and yelled at brother Taylor for sucking at bowling. All the while brother Taylor is annoyingly looking everywhere but at his son, especially at sister Taylor, I'm sure thinking something like, "What have we created?" Yep just so funny! And David is 24.

Anyways, I truly have come to love everyone whom I associate with!! I have developed wonderful relationships with everyone and really appreciate everyone's personalities! I don't know if it is because I am a missionary, but I can truly see others through Gods eyes as His children. I love being a missionary!

Also, we got to see Sherrill and teach her the Plan of Salvation this week. This is one of my favorite lessons! The spirit is so strong when we teach her and it is the greatest! She just gets it. She understands the gospel! She understands it better than some members even! It is just extraordinary to see someone progress into the gospel and excel the way she is it is just fabulous.

We have been very blessed this week! We have worked hard and we're able to find several new investigators that have potential. We are very excited for all that is to come!

All my love,

Sister Fenn

And I love Jesus 

Idaho Picture #4

Elder Fenn we love you!!!


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Facebook Memory

This is a picture of a picture taken sometime between 1980-82. It is of my mother, Dianna Lynn Taylor Read Citarelli. I was in high school during this time. My mom was so beautiful, no wonder people thought she was my sister, not my mother. She was born July 20, 1946, so she would have been about 34-36 years old. Love it.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Visiting Pop and Mamaw

Dallen, Dathan and Levi
Pop and Mamaw

The boys are visiting for a week during their fall break.

Memory Picture

Boyce, Dawsen and Dorian at Our 
House Dec. 23, 2014
Makes me miss Boyce as now he is on a mission.