Monday, October 10, 2016

E-mails from Elder Fenn

Monday, October 3,2016

    My Favorite talk this conference weekend was given by Russell M. Nelson on the Sunday Morning Session. In this talk Nelson told a story of pioneers in a cold winter. In this story Nelson explained that there was no murmuring from the Saints in this particular story.

      He said this is because "Saints can be happy under every circumstance!" In Fact here is my favorite quote from his talk "My dear Brethren and Sisters, the Joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives!"

      I think that is just wonderful! The focus he was speaking of when he said that is that great plan, The Plan of Happiness! and our Savior and Redeemer, who made that plan possible.

     And so I say to you, my dear Family and Friends; If YOU focus your life on our Beloved Older Brother Jesus Christ and His Plan, you WILL find yourselves, just as the pioneers in Nelsons talk, Able to have Joy in every circumstance.

     How do I focus on Christ you might ask. Here's my answer! First let me tell you this. I LOVE to cook. I find it very gratifying. And the best part about it is watching other people eat it! And so I would argue that that is the best part of the Gospel. The most joyful part of the Gospel.

     The best way to focus on Christ and feel His Joy is to share it! So to ALL, I say SHARE it. so that you and others may feel that Joy. And this I say in the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ, Amen 


With lots of Love!

Elder Fenn.


blackfoot idaho 83221


Idaho is great! The Mission is great! The work is wonderful! And the message is divine!

And Boyce – May I frankly and joyfully tell you how happy your e-mail makes me and how very proud I am of your attitude and your service!


Your food isn’t bad either.

Bishop Schindlery all!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hey all,

brayden is having his baptism this saturday! yay! The plan is for his Uncle to come down from where ever he lives to baptize and confirm him. but apparently that might not happen, so brayden has asked me to confirm him if his uncle cant make it. yikes... never done that before... wish me luck!! 

With lots of Love!
Elder Fenn

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