Soo I'm getting transferred! And I'm actually pretty sad about it because I feel like I just got to this area and Ward! I havent had the chance to get to know the Ward all that well. there are so many great people here that I wish I knew better. I just love everyone! There has been one family though that I have just come to love so much! The Albertis! They are a wonderful family! I wish I had pictures!
Still, I am so excited about what is to come. I'm getting transferred to the Orange Hills young single adult Ward. Ahhhh, YSA!! It's going to be so different than what I'm used to by now but it should be great! Another adventure! Yay!
And I'm going back to the Orange Zone which is super awesome!
This week we had a lesson planned with Deby, our new investigator. When we had our first lesson with her we were sure that she was going to get baptized! But she texted us the day before her lesson saying that she had found a church. We asked her if we can still meet though. We ended up having a wonderful lesson! It was guided completely by the spirit and she turned around! We helped her understand how important it is to continue look into this church as it is the only true church. She just has a wonderful spirit about her. I just love her! She is excited about reading the Book of Mormon and will try to pray more and come to church. She is amazing! And she knows what the spirit feels like! #futurereliefsocietypresident 🙌🏻
Please pray for her!
So to make sense out the of subject line, we were listening to a talk by Hank Smith about ones private life and ones public life. It was super good! He was talking about how victories obtained in our private lives lead to victories in our public lives. We need not to try to pretend to be good and show it to all, but instead to truly be good people and how that will lead to a public victory
Hank Smith was talking about how sometimes we like to show how good we are to others and that Jesus would probably say something like "Don't be dumb thou"
Super good!
I love you all I hope you are all doing well! :D
All my love,
Sister Fenn
And I love Jesus
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